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Category Around The Farm

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Feb 5, 1994

Tyler Messing Around with his friends

191 0

Tyler Messing Around with his friends

191 0

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0

Kelsey Talking about Swimming

179 0

Kelsey Talking about Swimming

179 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

May 2, 1993

Mike Filming a Tractor Drive

175 0

Mike Filming a Tractor Drive

175 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Jan 31, 1992