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Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

May 28, 1984

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

Church Service

82 0

Church Service

82 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 3

172 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 3

172 0

See Part 1 Here See Part 2 Here

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 2

146 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 2

146 0

Watch Part 1 Here

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 1

172 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 1

172 0

Feb 13, 1993

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

March 3, 1990

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0