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Tag Carly


108 0


108 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Christmas Afternoon 1991

189 0

Christmas Afternoon 1991

189 0

December 25, 1991

Easter Egg Hunt 1990

111 0

Easter Egg Hunt 1990

111 0

March 30, 1990

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

December 25, 1990 Santa Visits Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Morning

Carly’s 5th Birthday

187 0

Carly’s 5th Birthday

187 0

October 27, 1990  

Kurt, Lou & Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Party

262 0

Kurt, Lou & Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Party

262 0

September 30, 1990 Celebrating multiple birthday parties at Shellie and Kurts house.  Catching toads and playing with puppies also included.

Dustin and Tyler at Disney 1986

197 0

Dustin and Tyler at Disney 1986

197 0

February 22nd, 1986 - Mike, Trudy, Dustin and Tyler at Disney World.

Christmas Day 1985

146 0

Christmas Day 1985

146 0

At the farm on December 25th, 1985. Opening presents with the Jacobs family. Carly's first Christmas.