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Tag Trudy

Janet & Don’s 40th Anniversary

239 0

Janet & Don’s 40th Anniversary

239 0

Oct 22, 1989

Trudy Tries To Speak Spanish

243 0

Trudy Tries To Speak Spanish

243 0

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

June 17, 1984 - Fathers Day

Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

May 28, 1984

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

Christmas Morning 1992

185 0

Christmas Morning 1992

185 0

Dec 25, 1992

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Del’s Christmas Party 1984

182 0

Del’s Christmas Party 1984

182 0

December 4 1984

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0