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Easter Morning 1991

124 0

Easter Morning 1991

124 0

March 31, 1991

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa Jacob’s in Florida / Zoo

463 0

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa Jacob’s in Florida / Zoo

463 0

Jan 13, 1996

Kelsey’s 3rd Birthday

279 0

Kelsey’s 3rd Birthday

279 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 2

146 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 2

146 0

Watch Part 1 Here

Del’s Christmas Party 1984

182 0

Del’s Christmas Party 1984

182 0

December 4 1984

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Party

189 0

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Party

189 0

May 11, 1986

Thanksgiving 1984

117 0

Thanksgiving 1984

117 0

Nov 22, 1984

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

December 23, 1991 For part 2 click here