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Category Around The Farm

Checking out Farm Land 1991

124 0

Checking out Farm Land 1991

124 0

Aug 15, 1991

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0

Mike on the News

122 0

Mike on the News

122 0

Working on Grandma Shaw’s House

168 0

Working on Grandma Shaw’s House

168 0

Oct 30, 1990

Kelsey Wearing a Big Winter Coat Around the House

236 0

Kelsey Wearing a Big Winter Coat Around the House

236 0

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Kelsey Crawling Around the Kitchen

169 0

Kelsey Crawling Around the Kitchen

169 0

March 23, 1993

Dustin Running Around 1985

113 0

Dustin Running Around 1985

113 0

Student Field Trip to Glenview

168 0

Student Field Trip to Glenview

168 0

Dec 7, 1984

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

March 13, 1986