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Category Around The Farm

Student Field Trip to Glenview

168 0

Student Field Trip to Glenview

168 0

Dec 7, 1984

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

March 13, 1986

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

August 28, 1990 - Tyler and Dustin take pictures next to their trees and Zach plays with Penny

Tyler & Dustin Planting Their Trees

201 0

Tyler & Dustin Planting Their Trees

201 0

April 10, 1988

Tyler Messing Around with his friends

191 0

Tyler Messing Around with his friends

191 0

Tyler Playing Wolfenstein

187 0

Tyler Playing Wolfenstein

187 0

Tyler’s First Day of 1st Grade

170 0

Tyler’s First Day of 1st Grade

170 0

August 23

Upkeep at Tree Farm/Saw Mill

98 0

Upkeep at Tree Farm/Saw Mill

98 0

July 11, 1985

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Visiting Grandma Shall at the Tree Farm

241 0

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0

Walk-through of the Farm

82 0