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Category Birthdays

Dustin’s 9th Birthday

109 0

Dustin’s 9th Birthday

109 0

May 11, 1992

Dustin’s birthday Party at the Bertch’s

337 0

Dustin’s birthday Party at the Bertch’s

337 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

August 25, 1992

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Septmeber 29, 1986 - Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs' house on Burning Tree Drive

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Video

195 0

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Video

195 0

September 29, 1986 Trudy surprises Grandma Shaw with a funny birthday video  

Grandpa Jacobs Birthday 1986

210 0

Grandpa Jacobs Birthday 1986

210 0

September 21st, 1986 -Grandpa Jacobs Birthday.

Grandpa Jacobs Records Birthday Message for Trudy

196 0

Grandpa Jacobs Records Birthday Message for Trudy

196 0

Jason’s 9th Birthday

181 0

Jason’s 9th Birthday

181 0