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Category Birthdays

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

January 20, 1992 Celebrating Donna's 40th Birthday at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's house

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

April 1992

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Trudy’s 31st Birthday

127 0

Trudy’s 31st Birthday

127 0

November 26, 1985 Trudy opening presents with Dustin and Tyler's Help

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

August 25, 1992

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Zach and Mom cooking cinnamon rolls

Dustin’s 9th Birthday

109 0

Dustin’s 9th Birthday

109 0

May 11, 1992

Trudy’s 30th Birthday

121 0

Trudy’s 30th Birthday

121 0

Trudy’s 30th Birthday Morning

117 0

Trudy’s 30th Birthday Morning

117 0