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1985 Anniversary

149 0

1985 Anniversary

149 0

Aug 18, 1985

Dustin & Julie Doing Snake Fireworks

218 0

Dustin & Julie Doing Snake Fireworks

218 0


Shellie’s Video At Hickory Point Mall

173 0

Shellie’s Video At Hickory Point Mall

173 0

At the Park with Family

129 0

At the Park with Family

129 0

July 20th, 1986- Lake Shelbyville Park. Date unknown - Jacobs extented family picnic.

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

August 9, 1994

Newborn Zach

192 0

Newborn Zach

192 0

April 13, 1987

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Trudy Speaking at Church

132 0

Trudy Speaking at Church

132 0

Dustin at Youth Group

205 0

Dustin at Youth Group

205 0