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Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Oct 7, 1992

Dustin testing out his new snow shovel

166 0

Dustin testing out his new snow shovel

166 0

December 27, 1985

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0

Dustin Making a Mess Eating

158 0

Dustin Making a Mess Eating

158 0

March 10, 1985

Decorating a House for Glenview

157 0

Decorating a House for Glenview

157 0

Nov 8, 1990

Mike Holding Newborn Wesley Shade

152 0

Mike Holding Newborn Wesley Shade

152 0

Del’s Downtown Renovations

151 0

Del’s Downtown Renovations

151 0

Boating in Decatur

150 0

Boating in Decatur

150 0

july 4, 1983

Dressing a Child up as a doll…

150 0

Dressing a Child up as a doll…

150 0

Oct 10, 1984

1985 Anniversary

149 0

1985 Anniversary

149 0

Aug 18, 1985