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Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

March 3, 1990

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

August 9, 1994

Shellie on TV Show

212 0

Shellie on TV Show

212 0

Shellie’s Video At Hickory Point Mall

173 0

Shellie’s Video At Hickory Point Mall

173 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 1

171 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 1

171 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0

Show Filmed in Del’s Downtown pt 2

165 0

Susan Talking Clothes

104 0

Susan Talking Clothes

104 0

At the farm, Susan Talking Clothes to the Herron Family.

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

September 2, 1990  

The Flying Salukis Video

231 0

The Flying Salukis Video

231 0

Trudy Filming Downtown Decatur

184 0

Trudy Filming Downtown Decatur

184 0