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Category Trips

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Kentucky Trip 1984

108 0

Kentucky Trip 1984

108 0

Sept 8, 1984

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

St. Louis Zoo

101 0

St. Louis Zoo

101 0

Aug 12, 1984

Swimming at Kentucky Lake

137 0

Swimming at Kentucky Lake

137 0

July 27, 1988

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trudy Tries To Speak Spanish

243 0

Trudy Tries To Speak Spanish

243 0

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa Jacob’s in Florida / Zoo

463 0

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa Jacob’s in Florida / Zoo

463 0

Jan 13, 1996

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Aug 4, 1984