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Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Septmeber 29, 1986 - Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs' house on Burning Tree Drive

Del’s Bowling Team

114 0

Del’s Bowling Team

114 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Zach and Mom cooking cinnamon rolls

Dustin & Tyler Help Plant Trees

185 0

Dustin & Tyler Help Plant Trees

185 0

Dustin Says His A-B-C’s

90 0

Dustin Says His A-B-C’s

90 0

September 23, 1985

Easter Morning 1993

175 0

Easter Morning 1993

175 0

April 11, 1993

Kelsey’s 2nd Birthday Party

262 0

Kelsey’s 2nd Birthday Party

262 0

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

November 16, 1987

Christmas Eve at Grandma Herron’s 1993

297 0

Christmas Eve at Grandma Herron’s 1993

297 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0