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Zach’s School Play

177 0

Zach’s School Play

177 0

Dustin’s 5th Birthday

176 0

Dustin’s 5th Birthday

176 0

May 11, 1988

Looking at Corn/Beans on the Gland Farm 1987

176 0

Looking at Corn/Beans on the Gland Farm 1987

176 0

July 5, 1983

Grandpa Herron’s Funeral Flowers

176 0

Grandpa Herron’s Funeral Flowers

176 0

Filming Around Macon

176 0

Filming Around Macon

176 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

December 24, 1991 Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's House

Kelsey Eating/Crawling Around

175 0

Kelsey Eating/Crawling Around

175 0

Cider Making Party 1985

175 0

Cider Making Party 1985

175 0

Oct 18, 1985

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

March 13, 1986

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0