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Easter Morning 1992

133 0

Easter Morning 1992

133 0

April 19, 1992

Christmas Dinner at Donna and Steve’s

236 0

Christmas Dinner at Donna and Steve’s

236 0

December 23, 1984

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

April 2, 1994

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Morning

143 0

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Morning

143 0

May 11, 1986

Shellie’s 30th Birthday Surprise

277 0

Shellie’s 30th Birthday Surprise

277 0

Easter 1989

107 0

Easter 1989

107 0

Easter 1989

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Dustin’s 12th Birthday

476 0

Dustin’s 12th Birthday

476 0

May 11, 1995

Dustin testing out his new snow shovel

166 0

Dustin testing out his new snow shovel

166 0

December 27, 1985

Grandpa Herron On News

134 0

Grandpa Herron On News

134 0