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Easter Morning/Egg Hunt 1987

106 0

Easter Morning/Egg Hunt 1987

106 0

April 18, 1987

YMCA Dance Recital

106 0

YMCA Dance Recital

106 0

I have to assume Julie is in this?

Easter Morning 1987

106 0

Easter Morning 1987

106 0

April 19, 1987

Dustin’s Pine-derby Race

105 0

Dustin’s Pine-derby Race

105 0

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Oct 13, 1985

Susan Talking Clothes

104 0

Susan Talking Clothes

104 0

At the farm, Susan Talking Clothes to the Herron Family.

Checking out the Farm 1987

104 0

Checking out the Farm 1987

104 0

Oct 28,1987

Regan Speaks in Decatur

103 0

Regan Speaks in Decatur

103 0

Dustin’s 6th Birthday

102 0

Dustin’s 6th Birthday

102 0