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Delaware Visit 1998

236 0

Delaware Visit 1998

236 0

Kelsey Wearing a Big Winter Coat Around the House

236 0

Kelsey Wearing a Big Winter Coat Around the House

236 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

Del’s Reopens 1984 News Coverage

235 0

Del’s Reopens 1984 News Coverage

235 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Sept 1987

The Flying Salukis Video

231 0

The Flying Salukis Video

231 0

Tyler Pitching Baseball Game

231 0

Tyler Pitching Baseball Game

231 0

Jun 12, 1995

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

April 6

Kelsey Gets a  Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Kelsey Gets a Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Easter in Vienna 3

226 0

Easter in Vienna 3

226 0

April 4