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Easter Morning 1986

107 0

Easter Morning 1986

107 0

March 30, 1986

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Easter Morning (1991)

100 0

Easter Morning (1991)

100 0

Regan Speaks in Decatur

103 0

Regan Speaks in Decatur

103 0

Christmas Morning 1984

153 0

Christmas Morning 1984

153 0

Dec 25, 1984

Carly & Emily at Lou’s House

213 0

Carly & Emily at Lou’s House

213 0

Family Dinner at the Farm

128 0

Family Dinner at the Farm

128 0

Sept 5, 1984

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Oct 13, 1985

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0