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Tag Dustin

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Ice Scating on a Pond

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Ice Scating on a Pond

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Dec 29, 1995

Grandpa Jacobs Birthday 1986

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Grandpa Jacobs Birthday 1986

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September 21st, 1986 -Grandpa Jacobs Birthday.

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

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Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Dustin, Tyler & Jason Playing on the Swing Set

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Dustin, Tyler & Jason Playing on the Swing Set

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March 23, 1986

Dustin at Youth Group

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Dustin at Youth Group

205 0

Tyler & Dustin Planting Their Trees

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Tyler & Dustin Planting Their Trees

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April 10, 1988

Christmas Morning 1994

201 0

Christmas Morning 1994

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Dustin and Tyler at Disney 1986

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Dustin and Tyler at Disney 1986

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February 22nd, 1986 - Mike, Trudy, Dustin and Tyler at Disney World.

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

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1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

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