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Tag Dustin

Easter in Vienna 1984

174 0

Easter in Vienna 1984

174 0

Dustin’s birthday Party at the Bertch’s

337 0

Dustin’s birthday Party at the Bertch’s

337 0

Halloween 1985

173 0

Halloween 1985

173 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Looking at the Big Cat Trucks

175 0

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Cliff Wilson, Woody, Dustin, Tyler and Zach playing kickball

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday with Herron Family

180 0

April 1992

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Mike’s 32nd Birthday

105 0

Oct 13, 1985

Christmas Morning 1984

153 0

Christmas Morning 1984

153 0

Dec 25, 1984