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Tag Grandpa Herron

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

December 24, 1992

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

January 20, 1992 Celebrating Donna's 40th Birthday at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's house

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

December 24, 1991 Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's House

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

December 23, 1991 For part 2 click here

Christmas Time 1986

132 0

Christmas Time 1986

132 0

December 16, 1986 - Tyler and Dustin Baking Cookies December 20, 1986 - Christmas Dinner at the Farm  

At the Park with Family

129 0

At the Park with Family

129 0

July 20th, 1986- Lake Shelbyville Park. Date unknown - Jacobs extented family picnic.

Grandpa Herron’s Surprise Party

224 0

Grandpa Herron’s Surprise Party

224 0

July 5th, 1986 - Grandpa Herron's Surprise Party.

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herrons

192 0

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herrons

192 0

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herron side of the family. Santa Claus makes an appearance.