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Tag Grandpa Jacobs

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

June 17, 1984 - Fathers Day

Grandpa Jacobs Records Birthday Message for Trudy

196 0

Grandpa Jacobs Records Birthday Message for Trudy

196 0

Mothers Day 1985

189 0

Mothers Day 1985

189 0

May 12, 1985

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Visiting Graves with Grandpa Jacobs

177 0

Dustin Making Animal Noises

181 0

Dustin Making Animal Noises

181 0

Dustin Valentines Day

121 0

Dustin Valentines Day

121 0

Dustin’s First Birthday Party

248 0

Dustin’s First Birthday Party

248 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

May 10, 1987

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0