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Tag Grandpa Jacobs

Christmas Time 1985

140 0

Christmas Time 1985

140 0

Around Christmas Time at Pam and Rock's house.

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

Dustin tries to blow out candles and cant seem to get them to go out

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Sept 1987

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Dinner 1986

186 0

Septmeber 29, 1986 - Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs' house on Burning Tree Drive

Character Breakfast/Islands of Adventure

532 0

Character Breakfast/Islands of Adventure

532 0

Thanksgiving 1984

117 0

Thanksgiving 1984

117 0

Nov 22, 1984

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

May 10, 1987

Tyler’s Birthday 1993

240 0

Tyler’s Birthday 1993

240 0

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

December 25, 1990 Santa Visits Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Morning