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Tag Grandpa Jacobs

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

see part 1 here

Mike’s 33rd Birthday Dinner

140 0

Mike’s 33rd Birthday Dinner

140 0

October 12 1986 Dinner at the Farm with Dustin leading the way to opening presents

Dinner at Grandma Shaw’s House

138 0

Dinner at Grandma Shaw’s House

138 0

Kelsey’s 2nd Birthday Party

262 0

Kelsey’s 2nd Birthday Party

262 0

September Birthday Parties 1985

267 0

September Birthday Parties 1985

267 0

Sept 29, 1985

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Sept 1987

Family Dinner at the Farm

128 0

Family Dinner at the Farm

128 0

Sept 5, 1984

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Zach and Mom cooking cinnamon rolls

Trudy’s 30th Birthday

121 0

Trudy’s 30th Birthday

121 0