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Tag Kelsey

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Tyler’s Indoor Soccer Game 1996

223 0

Tyler’s Indoor Soccer Game 1996

223 0

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

April 2, 1994

Kelsey Eating/Crawling Around

175 0

Kelsey Eating/Crawling Around

175 0

Kelsey at 11 Months

119 0

Kelsey at 11 Months

119 0

March 10, 1993

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Cliff Wilson, Woody, Dustin, Tyler and Zach playing kickball

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Feb 5, 1994