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Tag Kelsey

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

Easter Egg Hunt in Macon 1994

218 0

April 2, 1994

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Carly & Emily at Lou’s House

213 0

Carly & Emily at Lou’s House

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Ice Scating on a Pond

211 0

Ice Scating on a Pond

211 0

Dec 29, 1995

Christmas Morning 1994

201 0

Christmas Morning 1994

201 0

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey & Zach Dancing/Banging On Pans

200 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Feb 5, 1994

Zach & Kelsey Swimming at the Pool

197 0

Zach & Kelsey Swimming at the Pool

197 0

Kelsey Eating/Playing Around The House

191 0

Kelsey Eating/Playing Around The House

191 0

October 21, 1992