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Tag Kelsey

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Getting Her Hair Curled

224 0

Kelsey Getting Her Hair Curled

224 0

Kelsey Talking about Swimming

179 0

Kelsey Talking about Swimming

179 0

Kelsey Celebrating Her 4th Birthday at Shellie’s House 1996

250 0

Christmas Morning 1992

134 0

Christmas Morning 1992

134 0

Dec 25, 1992

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Kelsey’s First Birthday

213 0

Dinner with both the Jacobs and Herron side of the family. Trudy switches ice cream with mashed potatoes  

Kelsey Gets a  Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Kelsey Gets a Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Baby Kelsey

143 0

Baby Kelsey

143 0

May 11, 1992

Easter Morning 1993

175 0

Easter Morning 1993

175 0

April 11, 1993

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

December 24, 1992