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Tag Mike

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Jan 31, 1992

Replacing the Roof 1987

121 0

Replacing the Roof 1987

121 0

Oct 6, 1987

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

Tipped Over Auger/Cutting Down Tree

175 0

March 13, 1986

Upkeep at Tree Farm/Saw Mill

98 0

Upkeep at Tree Farm/Saw Mill

98 0

July 11, 1985

Checking out the farm land 1984

198 0

Checking out the farm land 1984

198 0

May 29, 1984

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

March 3, 1990

Lincoln J.C.’s Award Banquet

120 0

Lincoln J.C.’s Award Banquet

120 0

July 16, 1983

Mike on the News

122 0

Mike on the News

122 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0