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Christmas Time 1986

132 0

Christmas Time 1986

132 0

December 16, 1986 - Tyler and Dustin Baking Cookies December 20, 1986 - Christmas Dinner at the Farm  

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

December 23, 1991 For part 2 click here

Cider Making Party 1985

175 0

Cider Making Party 1985

175 0

Oct 18, 1985

Cutting down trees at Glenview

181 0

Cutting down trees at Glenview

181 0

Decorating Christmas Tree 1984

221 0

Decorating Christmas Tree 1984

221 0

Dec 10, 1984

Diane and Tim visiting – 1984

170 0

Diane and Tim visiting – 1984

170 0

Nov 18,1984

Dinner at Grandma Shaw’s House

138 0

Dinner at Grandma Shaw’s House

138 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

Donna’s 40th Birthday

131 0

January 20, 1992 Celebrating Donna's 40th Birthday at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's house

Dustin & Dad Flying a Kite

96 0

Dustin & Dad Flying a Kite

96 0