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Dustin & Tyler Help Plant Trees

185 0

Dustin & Tyler Help Plant Trees

185 0

Building the Greenery at Glenview

184 0

Building the Greenery at Glenview

184 0

October 18, 1984

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Feb 6, 1994

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

March 3, 1990

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

September 2, 1990  

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

November 16, 1987

Cutting down trees at Glenview

181 0

Cutting down trees at Glenview

181 0

Dustin’s First Day of  Kindergarten

179 0

Dustin’s First Day of Kindergarten

179 0

Aug 23, 1988

Looking at Corn/Beans on the Gland Farm 1987

176 0

Looking at Corn/Beans on the Gland Farm 1987

176 0

July 5, 1983

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

December 24, 1991 Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's House