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Tag Trudy

Boating in Decatur

150 0

Boating in Decatur

150 0

july 4, 1983

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

May 10, 1987

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Aug 4, 1984

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

December 25, 1990 Santa Visits Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Morning

Thanksgiving 1985

144 0

Thanksgiving 1985

144 0

Thanksgiving 1985 at Grandma Shaw's house at the Tree Farm

Easter in Vienna 3

226 0

Easter in Vienna 3

226 0

April 4

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Trudy Speaking at Church

132 0

Trudy Speaking at Church

132 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Oct 18, 1987