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Tag Trudy

Kelsey Gets a  Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Kelsey Gets a Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Christmas Morning 1992

134 0

Christmas Morning 1992

134 0

Dec 25, 1992

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

Scovill Zoo/Drive Around Decatur

188 0

August 9, 1994

Dustin Swimming at the Beach

193 0

Dustin Swimming at the Beach

193 0

July 15, 1985

Mothers Day 1985

189 0

Mothers Day 1985

189 0

May 12, 1985

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herrons

192 0

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herrons

192 0

Christmas Day 1985 with the Herron side of the family. Santa Claus makes an appearance.

Easter Morning 1985

286 0

Easter Morning 1985

286 0

Grandpa Herron’s Surprise Party

224 0

Grandpa Herron’s Surprise Party

224 0

July 5th, 1986 - Grandpa Herron's Surprise Party.

Christmas Morning 1994

201 0

Christmas Morning 1994

201 0

Dustin & Tyler Opening Presents

241 0

Dustin & Tyler Opening Presents

241 0