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Tag Trudy

Dustin’s 1st Birthday

120 0

Dustin’s 1st Birthday

120 0

May 11, 1984

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Dustin’s 8th Birthday

164 0

Zach and Mom cooking cinnamon rolls

Dustin’s First Day of  Kindergarten

179 0

Dustin’s First Day of Kindergarten

179 0

Aug 23, 1988

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

April 6

Easter Egg Hunt @ The Farm 1992

196 0

Easter Egg Hunt @ The Farm 1992

196 0

April 18, 1992

Easter Egg Hunt 1995

285 0

Easter Egg Hunt 1995

285 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter in Vienna

100 0

Easter in Vienna

100 0

Easter in Vienna 2

116 0

Easter in Vienna 2

116 0