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Tag Trudy

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

News Years Day at Grandma Shall’s

315 0

Trudy Filming Downtown Decatur

184 0

Trudy Filming Downtown Decatur

184 0

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

Dustin tries to blow out candles and cant seem to get them to go out

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Feb 6, 1994

Baby Kelsey

143 0

Baby Kelsey

143 0

May 11, 1992

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Easter Morning 1995

500 0

Easter Morning 1995

500 0