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Tag Trudy

Dustin Swimming at the Beach

193 0

Dustin Swimming at the Beach

193 0

July 15, 1985

Christmas Morning 1985

154 0

Christmas Morning 1985

154 0

December 25, 1985

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

April 6

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Dustin’s 2nd Birthday Morning

187 0

Dustin Playing in his baby pool

193 0

Dustin Playing in his baby pool

193 0

May 26, 1985

Dustin & Tyler Opening Presents

241 0

Dustin & Tyler Opening Presents

241 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

Dustin Opening Birthday Presents 1987

241 0

May 10, 1987

Shellie’s 30th Birthday Surprise

277 0

Shellie’s 30th Birthday Surprise

277 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0

Beach/Ferry – Delaware Visit

251 0