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Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

December 23, 1991 For part 2 click here

Fixing Tile at the Farm

182 0

Fixing Tile at the Farm

182 0

Sept 14, 1988 Aug 15, 1989

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Oct 18, 1987

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

Zach’s 5th Birthday

235 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Oct 7, 1992

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Water Skiing at the Lake of the Ozarks

277 0

Aug 4, 1984

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

0 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

0 0

Christmas  Morning 1990

169 0

Christmas Morning 1990

169 0

December 25, 1990 Opening presents in the early morning on Xmas

Tyler’s Christmas Performace

194 0

Tyler’s Christmas Performace

194 0