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Tag Tyler

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

September Birthdays 1985 – pt 2

223 0

Dustin tries to blow out candles and cant seem to get them to go out

Sledding behind the tractor

142 0

Sledding behind the tractor

142 0

January 30, 1991

Swimming at Kentucky Lake

137 0

Swimming at Kentucky Lake

137 0

July 27, 1988

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

Swimming with the Ohlendorf family

181 0

September 2, 1990  

Thanksgiving 1985

144 0

Thanksgiving 1985

144 0

Thanksgiving 1985 at Grandma Shaw's house at the Tree Farm

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trudy’s 31st Birthday

127 0

Trudy’s 31st Birthday

127 0

November 26, 1985 Trudy opening presents with Dustin and Tyler's Help

Trudy’s 40th Birthday

265 0

Trudy’s 40th Birthday

265 0

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Trudy’s Mexico Project

193 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

August 28, 1990 - Tyler and Dustin take pictures next to their trees and Zach plays with Penny