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Tag Tyler

1985 Anniversary

149 0

1985 Anniversary

149 0

Aug 18, 1985

Dustin Running Around 1985

113 0

Dustin Running Around 1985

113 0

Tyler’s First Day Home

177 0

Tyler’s First Day Home

177 0

Jan 5, 1985

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0

Dustin Vacuuming The House

134 0

Dustin Making Animal Noises

181 0

Dustin Making Animal Noises

181 0

Dustin Valentines Day

121 0

Dustin Valentines Day

121 0

Christmas Morning 1985

154 0

Christmas Morning 1985

154 0

December 25, 1985

Dustin, Tyler & Jason Playing on the Swing Set

206 0

Dustin, Tyler & Jason Playing on the Swing Set

206 0

March 23, 1986

Easter Morning 1986

107 0

Easter Morning 1986

107 0

March 30, 1986

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Morning

143 0

Dustin’s 3rd Birthday Morning

143 0

May 11, 1986