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Tag Zach

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

August 28, 1990 - Tyler and Dustin take pictures next to their trees and Zach plays with Penny

Kelsey’s 4th Birthday

271 0

Kelsey’s 4th Birthday

271 0

April 1, 1996  

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Zach “Talks” About a Field trip to a Firestation

168 0

Oct 7, 1992

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

May 2, 1993

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Family Lunch After Zach’s Baptism

233 0

Sept 1987

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Zach’s Swimming Class

109 0

Zach’s Swimming Class

109 0

October 28, 1987

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Oct 18, 1987

Fixing Tile at the Farm

182 0

Fixing Tile at the Farm

182 0

Sept 14, 1988 Aug 15, 1989