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Kelsey Gets a  Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

Kelsey Gets a Bunny Easter Morning 1996

229 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

August 25, 1992

Character Breakfast/Islands of Adventure

532 0

Character Breakfast/Islands of Adventure

532 0

Random Filming Around The Farm

190 0

Random Filming Around The Farm

190 0

April 16, 1988

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Feb 5, 1994

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

Christmas Eve 1991

175 0

December 24, 1991 Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Herron's House

Zach in The Bath

107 0

Zach in The Bath

107 0

July 5, 1987

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

May 2, 1993