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Category Around The Farm

Mike on the News

122 0

Mike on the News

122 0

Mike Shows Off Wireless Cable / Burned Shed

279 0

Mike Shows Off Wireless Cable / Burned Shed

279 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

Moving Dug Trees at the Farm

163 0

May 2, 1993

Plane Spraying Tree Farm

80 0

Plane Spraying Tree Farm

80 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Planting Windbreak at Farm

136 0

Jan 31, 1992

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Cliff Wilson, Woody, Dustin, Tyler and Zach playing kickball

Random Filming Around The Farm

190 0

Random Filming Around The Farm

190 0

April 16, 1988

Replacing the Roof 1987

121 0

Replacing the Roof 1987

121 0

Oct 6, 1987

September Birthday Parties 1985

267 0

September Birthday Parties 1985

267 0

Sept 29, 1985

Sledding behind the tractor

142 0

Sledding behind the tractor

142 0

January 30, 1991