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Tag Dustin

Kids Dancing to “Woop There it is”

318 0

Kids Dancing to “Woop There it is”

318 0

Tyler’s Birthday 1993

240 0

Tyler’s Birthday 1993

240 0

Christmas Lunch/Dinner 1993

257 0

Christmas Lunch/Dinner 1993

257 0

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

see part 1 here

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Dec 25 1993

Filming Around Macon

176 0

Filming Around Macon

176 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Casper the Ferret / Cooper the Hampster

210 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

The Family Finds Out Tyler Is On the Way

312 0

June 17, 1984 - Fathers Day