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Tag Dustin

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Playing Kickball on the Farm

186 0

Cliff Wilson, Woody, Dustin, Tyler and Zach playing kickball

Dustin’s 12th Birthday

476 0

Dustin’s 12th Birthday

476 0

May 11, 1995

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Christmas Morning 1993

188 0

Dec 25 1993

Kids Dancing to “Woop There it is”

318 0

Kids Dancing to “Woop There it is”

318 0

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0

Grandma Jacobs’ 50th Birthday

248 0

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Tyler’s First Day Home

177 0

Tyler’s First Day Home

177 0

Jan 5, 1985

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

Zach Crawling Around The Kitchen

181 0

November 16, 1987

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

Easter at Grandma Herron’s House

230 0

April 6

Airplane Ride to Disney 1986

164 0

Airplane Ride to Disney 1986

164 0

January 13th, 1986 - Grandpa Jacobs and Dad paint farm. February 19th, 1986 - Mike, Trudy, Dustin and Tyler leave Decatur on an airplane to go to Disney World.