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Tag Mike

1985 Anniversary

149 0

1985 Anniversary

149 0

Aug 18, 1985

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

1st Brunch After Moving to the Farm

197 0

Airplane Ride to Disney 1986

164 0

Airplane Ride to Disney 1986

164 0

January 13th, 1986 - Grandpa Jacobs and Dad paint farm. February 19th, 1986 - Mike, Trudy, Dustin and Tyler leave Decatur on an airplane to go to Disney World.

Boating in Decatur

150 0

Boating in Decatur

150 0

july 4, 1983

Breaking Ground on the New Church

260 0

Breaking Ground on the New Church

260 0

Building the Greenery at Glenview

184 0

Building the Greenery at Glenview

184 0

October 18, 1984

Cancun Trip 1995

200 0

Cancun Trip 1995

200 0

Checking out the farm land 1984

198 0

Checking out the farm land 1984

198 0

May 29, 1984

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Christmas  Morning 1990

169 0

Christmas Morning 1990

169 0

December 25, 1990 Opening presents in the early morning on Xmas