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Tag Mike

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Feeding Birds at Cocoa Beach, FL

425 0

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Jumping on Trampoline Easter 1995

424 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Zach’s 8th Birthday Morning

331 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Donna, Steve, Mike & Trudy’s Anniversary

293 0

Mike Shows Off Wireless Cable / Burned Shed

279 0

Mike Shows Off Wireless Cable / Burned Shed

279 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

Tyler & Dustin Get Ready for 1st Day of School

278 0

August 28, 1990 - Tyler and Dustin take pictures next to their trees and Zach plays with Penny