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Tag Trudy

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Checking out Tim O’s Cars

105 0

Kelsey’s 3rd Birthday

279 0

Kelsey’s 3rd Birthday

279 0

Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

Mike Shaving His Beard 1984

132 0

May 28, 1984

Video for Grandma & Grandpa Herron’s Anniversary

303 0

Video for Grandma & Grandpa Herron’s Anniversary

303 0

Kelsey Eating/Playing Around The House

191 0

Kelsey Eating/Playing Around The House

191 0

October 21, 1992

Zach Crawling/Walking

118 0

Zach Crawling/Walking

118 0

Feb 7, 1988

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

Trip to Epcot 1996

470 0

At the Park with Family

129 0

At the Park with Family

129 0

July 20th, 1986- Lake Shelbyville Park. Date unknown - Jacobs extented family picnic.

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Visiting Disney World 1996

500 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0

Glenview Tree Farm Commercial

217 0