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Tag Trudy

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa Jacobs House 1986

236 0

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Trudy’s New Treadmill

183 0

Feb 6, 1994

Trudy’s 40th Birthday

265 0

Trudy’s 40th Birthday

265 0

St. Louis Zoo

101 0

St. Louis Zoo

101 0

Aug 12, 1984

Christmas  Morning 1990

169 0

Christmas Morning 1990

169 0

December 25, 1990 Opening presents in the early morning on Xmas

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

Santa Visits Christmas Morning 1990

239 0

December 25, 1990 Santa Visits Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Morning

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

Christmas with Herron Family 1991 – Pt 1

130 0

December 23, 1991 For part 2 click here

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Kelsey Baking a Cake

361 0

Dustin’s 1st Birthday

120 0

Dustin’s 1st Birthday

120 0

May 11, 1984

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0

Kelsey’s Baptism

136 0