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Tag Zach

Zach Playing Soccer (age 5)

129 0

Zach Playing Soccer (age 5)

129 0

Oct 3, 1992

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Kelsey Wearing a Swimsuit Over Her Clothes

198 0

Feb 5, 1994

First Day of School 1992

95 0

First Day of School 1992

95 0

August 25, 1992

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Oct 18, 1987

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

Renovating Del’s 2nd Floor

182 0

March 3, 1990

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 3

172 0

Potluck Video 1993 – Part 3

172 0

See Part 1 Here See Part 2 Here

Kurt, Lou & Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Party

262 0

Kurt, Lou & Grandma Shaw’s Birthday Party

262 0

September 30, 1990 Celebrating multiple birthday parties at Shellie and Kurts house.  Catching toads and playing with puppies also included.

Easter Morning/Egg Hunt 1987

106 0

Easter Morning/Egg Hunt 1987

106 0

April 18, 1987

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Feeding Seagull’s Treasure Island Beach

490 0

Zach in The Bath

107 0

Zach in The Bath

107 0

July 5, 1987