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Tag Zach

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

Christmas Morning 1993 pt 2

302 0

see part 1 here

Carly’s 5th Birthday

187 0

Carly’s 5th Birthday

187 0

October 27, 1990  

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

Michael’s Band Playing 1998

236 0

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

Christmas Eve 1992

148 0

December 24, 1992

Dustin, Tyler & Dad Picking Cherries

185 0

Dustin, Tyler & Dad Picking Cherries

185 0

Newborn Zach

192 0

Newborn Zach

192 0

April 13, 1987

Zach Crawling/Walking

118 0

Zach Crawling/Walking

118 0

Feb 7, 1988

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Cleaning out the Barn

160 0

Oct 18, 1987

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Grandma Shall’s Birthday

175 0

Kelsey Crawling Around

133 0

Kelsey Crawling Around

133 0